Who we are

My name is Chris Rain, owner and farmer of UpRiver Herb. I’ve been farming fruits and vegetables commercially since 2012; and growing cannabis since 2019. I’ve always beleived in healthy and mindful farming practices; organic fertilizers, sustainability, and respect for both the land and the natural inhabitants of the space.

I started UpRiver Herb in rural Northern New Mexico in 2022. It sits along the Rio Chama about an hour north of Santa Fe. The air water, and soil is pure and free of any pollutants. Along with the strict guidlines for growing practices, I strive to grow some of the finest and cleanest ganja possible.

Farming practices

I am very particular about the herb I ingest; and so I’m equally particular about how I grow the herb I sell.

All the fertilizers I use are certified organic with recognizeable ingredients. For the most part I’m using Down to Earth brand products.

I use compost tea drenches throughout the season and foliar spray tea in the vegetative stage.

NOTHING gets sprayed on the plants in flower.

As for pest control, I use a plethora of beneficial insects; from ladybugs to praying mantids, lacewings, parasitic flies, etc.

How we dry and finish the plant

The most crucial part of growing ganja is during the last couple stages; harvesting at the right time and drying/curing properly. Nailing these steps is the difference between B+ and A+ herb.


We harvest each plant only when it’s showing the proper trichcome maturity; even within the same strain, there’s variability amoung plants. Too early and you will get a dead, flat high; too late and the high can be too stoney. With constant checking we select plants out a couple days before harvest to be sure.


Proper drying and curing is something thats taken me time to understand, and something I’m constatnly trying to imrove.Slow drying and curing, while maintaing the propwer conditions, is key.

We aim to dry the buds in 10 days, and then cure for 30 days minimum. Properly cured herb retains fresh smells and flavors long after harvest.